A lot of non-shifters (and even new shifters) have questions about how shifting works, and the community surrounding it. Hopefully this helps answer a few of them!
Supporting sources will be cited and listed below whenever necessary. I cite in MLA format to the best of my ability!
For Skeptics:
Q: How is shifting physically possible?
A: All shifters have differing views on it.
Personally, I believe that shifting is something you're born with, within your genetics. Shifters are fully human, but have the ability to change due to this genetic ability.
When circumstances are right (meaning when a shift is triggered through whatever means) a shifter's body would begin to reform itself. Mass isn't created or destroyed during the shift and you retain the same chemical and atomic ratio you do as a human. You don't gain or lose muscle, fat, brain matter or bone, you keep relatively the same proportion of these things in both forms, they're just rearranged. Bones don't break, they flow into place (likely with the help of osteoclasts/osteoblasts), hair is sparsely made (almost like a sped-up form of acquired hypertrichosis), teeth are rearranged and senses heighten. While it could be painful (pain is subjective, so that may vary between shifters) it isn't painful enough to kill you, as that only happens when the body is physically being damaged (this is why conditions like complex regional pain syndrome can exist). This could occur over a period of a few minutes or hours, to a couple of days, weeks or even months for some people, depending on how long their bodies need to prepare and store up for shifting.
After shifting, a shifter could plausibly do whatever a member of their species could do and more. A shifter in this hypothesis would still be human functionally, so they shouldn't be hurt by human foods (or else any food in their stomach poisonous to their species could easily kill them in their new form). Along those lines, internal functioning of organs (such as intestines or stomach organs) shouldn't be too badly affected by the shift and function fairly close to the same way they did as a human. A shifter would also very likely have the same amount of intelligence they did as a human, seeing as how their brains haven't been touched during shifting and the only animalistic behavior that may need to come out is behavior crucial to functioning in a nonhuman body. When examined up close, a shifter might look physically abnormal, but as most average people don't investigate even the weirdest of wild animals unprompted, they are likely to go unreported.
The way shifting works in my hypothesis is entirely plausible and would make sense with what we know about the world. We know genes exist and how they work, and shifting does not behave like a virus or any other transmissible disease, thus it has to be genetic. A shapeshifter does not need to be an exact genetic or anatomical copy of another animal to be a shapeshifter, and shifting has never been defined that way. DNA also does not need to change to create phenotypic changes- if it did, then conditions that drastically change the body's functioning and abilities without genetic changes (such as autoimmune diseases or conversion disorders) would not exist.
Shifting could potentially be triggered if it is at least partially a physiological response (similar to how you can get a purposeful adrenaline rush and associated chemical effects by watching scary videos or even thinking about a frightening event). Further control of shifting could occur, akin to how people are able to control their bladder or their muscles. If mass is not being created or destroyed, and biological matter (like fats, proteins, amino acids, etc.) is not being converted, the energy requirements would be much lower, and damage to vital organs almost nonexistent. Depending on the speed of shifting taking place, intense heat may be generated, and while a high fever can easily denature proteins in the body, assuming shifting is going slow enough or quickly enough, it shouldn't generate much more energy than an incredibly rough illness.
This hypothesis doesn't attempt to explain spiritual forms of physical shifting (such as full-body materialization), only very specific types of physical shapeshifting.
Bailey, Regina. "Laws of Thermodynamics as Related to Biology." ThoughtCo, Apr. 5, 2023, thoughtco.com/laws-of-thermodynamics-373307.
Chen, Xiao et al. “Osteoblast-osteoclast interactions.” Connective tissue research vol. 59,2 (2018): 99-107. doi:10.1080/03008207.2017.1290085
Lionetti, Elena et al. “Gluten Psychosis: Confirmation of a New Clinical Entity.” Nutrients vol. 7,7 5532-9. 8 Jul. 2015, doi:10.3390/nu7075235
Owens, Colm, and Simon Dein. “Conversion Disorder: the Modern Hysteria.” Advances in Psychiatric Treatment, vol. 12, no. 2, 2006, pp. 152–157., doi:10.1192/apt.12.2.152.
Saleh, Dahlia, et al. “Hypertrichosis.” StatPearls, StatPearls Publishing, 4 July 2022.
Yaolani. “Shifts, Shifters and Shapeshifting: Varieties of Transformation.” The Werewolf and Shapeshifter Codex, web.archive.org/web/20120810181036/yaiolani.tripod.com/shifts1.htm. Accessed 21 May 2023.
Q: Can you learn how to become a shifter?
A: The community is slightly conflicted on whether someone can be turned into a shifter, or learn how to shift when they didn't already have the ability within them. Shifters who believe in methods (p-shifting guides, subliminals) or paranormal forms of turning (such as through animal spirits or potions) might argue that these are ways to be turned, but as they have not been proven even within the community and often require prerequisites, take them with a large grain of salt.
It is never a good idea to take someone else's offer up to visit them and become a shifter, especially online. Online, it is very likely that they are trying to prey on you (ex. demanding money or allegiances of some sort) or have ulterior motives. In-person, it simply may not work even if you have everything else going for you. Trying low-risk methods found online (verbal spells, meditative methods) may be fine, but be aware that you may not induce a shift with them.
Kadota. “How to Become a Werewolf.” Kadota, 16 Mar. 2018, www.tumblr.com/kadotablog/171919973147/now-that-your-attention-is-caught-you-do-not.
Kadota. “Methods of Shifting.” Kadota, 16 Mar. 2018, www.tumblr.com/kadotablog/171919283932/there-are-a-few-methods-of-shifting-these-work.
spirit. “Wannabe Werewolves...” Experience Project, 22 Nov. 2012, web.archive.org/web/20131020094917/http://www.experienceproject.com/stories/Am-A-Real-Werewolf/2742398.
Q: If shifting is real, why do shifters suffer from disabilities or injuries or seek out medical care?
A: Shifting appears to be closer to a reformation of what is already there, than remaking or creating new parts entirely. That, among other reasons, is why you don't hear of shifters regrowing limbs or just taking on attacks without any consequences. Shifters are also not immortal nor guaranteed great health, and some may need care simply because of conditions that they acquired or that run in their families. Even in mythology, many shifters were vulnerable to physical attacks in either form, and you could identify some by the injuries they had in both forms.
Additionally, even if some shifters can do this, why not take advantage of the relief of modern medicine? There are many conditions even non-shifters can heal from without medical care (such as broken bones or large wounds) but yet prefer to seek out medical care for. It is safer to seek out medical care for any injuries or disabilities, than waiting and hoping it heals with shifter abilities.
Gryphon, Lady. “Royal Female Werewolf: She-Wolf Werewoman.” Mythical Realm, 27 Feb. 2019, mythicalrealm.com/humanoid-mythical-creatures/royal-female-werewolf/.
Q: If shifting is real, where is the proof?
A: It's scant, but it is there. Most shifters aren't interested in factually exposing themselves to the public without a good reason, so finding proof of shifting online is hard. (Remember, most shifters are coming out as shifters online to find others like them, not show off their shifting abilities to strangers.) However, people have still seen shifters either in the act of transforming, or roaming around while shifted.
Generally, sightings tend to get ignored, mocked (most people will quickly shut up if their friends tease them for believing in shapeshifters), passed off as some form of psychological mechanism (even doctors who have seen shifters appear to have been treated this way) or otherwise dismissed in some way. Photos and videos of shifting are automatically assumed to be photoshop, makeup and/or CGI, and are scrutinized heavily.
This isn't conclusive evidence of shifters or shifting, of course. However, it is at the very least evidence of odd, potentially paranormal phenomena, and that we're not experiencing these things in a vacuum.
Fodor, Nandor. “Lycanthropy as a Psychic Mechanism.” The Journal of American Folklore, vol. 58, no. 230, 1945, pp. 310–16. JSTOR, https://doi.org/10.2307/537184. Accessed 21 May 2023
Godfrey, Linda S. “The Church Lady Monster.” Monsters among Us: An Exploration of Otherworldly Bigfoots, Wolfmen, Portals, Phantoms, and Odd Phenomena, Perigee Books, New York, NY, 2016, pp. 58–71.
Godfrey, Linda S. “The Torrance Werewolf.” Monsters among Us: An Exploration of Otherworldly Bigfoots, Wolfmen, Portals, Phantoms, and Odd Phenomena, Perigee Books, New York, NY, 2016, pp. 26–37.
ImNotTaka. “A Message to This Audience.” Reddit, 14 June 2019, www.reddit.com/r/werewolves/comments/c05l1s/amessagetothisaudience/.
Strickler, Lon. “‘Dogman’ on Broadway.” Phantoms and Monsters - Real Cryptid Encounter Reports - Fortean Researcher Lon Strickler, 1 Jan. 1970, www.phantomsandmonsters.com/2016/01/dogman-on-broadway.html.
Q: If shifting is real, why aren't people shifting into apes or other close relatives of humans?
A: There are many different theories as to why this is the case. Personally, I don't think shifting is an evolutionary regression - it seems closer to a form of temporary mimicry, in the category of phenotypic plasticity. Wolves are fairly widespread and adaptable creatures, and are social enough for a human masquerading as them to get along with. They might be the best kind of animal to resemble, if you need to survive for a period of time as an animal. Since humans are already a type of ape and you can't grow or lose mass when shifting, becoming another ape species wouldn't be very useful. It still allegedly happens, but it's not as common as wolf and other canine shifters.
This might also explain why even besides wolves, the second and third most common shifter types in mythology seem to be cats and bears. All are fairly versatile forms that would be useful to mimic, and can be found on multiple continents.
Kadota. “Types of Animals.” Kadota, 15 Mar. 2018, www.tumblr.com/kadotablog/171888542367/a-shifter-or-were-can-physically-shift-into.
Larsson, Anna MK. “Aw Shucks, the Rapist Turned into a Baboon. Don’t You Just Hate It When That Happens? .” The Cloaked Hedgehog, 14 Dec. 2012, thecloakedhedgehog.wordpress.com/2012/12/14/aw-shucks-the-rapist-turned-into-a-baboon-dont-you-just-hate-it-when-that-happens/.
Q: If shifters are real, why aren't they being used by the millitary, or studied by scientists?
A: They used to! Some shifters would join the military of their own free will, and gain a reputation for being frightening and powerful fighters. Obviously not every shifter would join, but there were sometimes more than enough to be formidable foes.
However, modern military tech has long since surpassed any damage a shifter could do as an animal, plus most animals stick out anywhere that isn't the wild - you couldn't have a wolf or a bear doing espionage or battle without being spotted a mile away and shot, but a drone can sneak around and deploy bombs in a few minutes. This also assumes that the military is ruthless, and would capture shifters to use in the military or genetically modify their soldiers when it hasn't done that for other conditions. Even the military has its limits.
Shifters haven't been brought to the attention of scientists since most shifters don't need the validation of scientists, nor their help. I personally believe shifters are human, so it's not like shifters would come to the attention of scientists via a blood test or other exam, and without that it's unlikely that any scientist would notice us. Sources:
Bergloff, Amanda. “Werewolves That Fish and Fight in Battles .” FolkloreThursday, 24 May 2018, folklorethursday.com/halloween/werewolves-that-fish-and-fight-in-battles-the-scottish-wulver-and-irish-faoladh-in-folklore/. Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. "berserker". Encyclopedia Britannica, 9 Feb. 2023, https://www.britannica.com/topic/berserker. Accessed 19 May 2023.
Q: If shifters are real, why aren't they hiding from the government or hunters?
A: Why? I personally don't have anything to fear from the government, and the government doesn't really care that someone thinks they're a wolf online. Even if they did, they could simply delete all the shifter webpages and censor everyone - no need for them to do anything more. But personally, I don't fear the government.
Similarly, I don't fear hunters, outside of animal hunters if I'm in the woods (don't want to be mistaken for prey!) or deranged people online who want to pose as them and make threats. Hunting another person, even if they're a shifter, is illegal, is easily classified as stalking or attempted murder, and isn't tolerated, by the public or police especially when aimed at an eccentric but otherwise innocent person.
Q: If shifting is real, why does every shifter have a different experience?
A: There are some commonalities within the shifter community, but yes, many shifters tend to diverge from each other experience-wise. Personally, I believe this is due to the community's fairly accepting nature and cultural differences between different groups of shifters.
The shifter community is pretty decentralized and does not have a vetting process (besides the natural vetting that comes from hanging around a group of people and comparing experiences) so all kinds of people may enter and leave at any time. Some are shifters, some are otherkin who believe they are shifters, and others are different kinds of nonhumans or even humans. All of these groups will have different shifting experiences if they try to shift, but might still be lumped together by observers. If a human is roleplaying they may further complicate things.
Additionally, the shifter community tends to attract different kinds of shifters, not all which may be experiencing the same kind of physical shift. Some shifters may experience a spiritual glamour or physical bilocation shift, while others may be experiencing a standard physical body shift. Some shifters may partially shift, while others shift completely. A rare few may not even be physical shifters in the basic sense of the word, but otherwise share enough shifter experiences to be considered shifters and fit into the community.
This may sound a bit strange, but even in historical texts and mythology accused werewolves and shapeshifters changed in a variety of ways, and the ways they shifted changed from culture to culture. Online, shifters from a variety of geographical, cultural and ethnic backgrounds can talk to each other. Many variations of shifting seen in the community may simply be a result of cultural differences.
Arcover. "Knights, Knaves and Nobility." Werewolfswebsite, 16 Feb. 2013, https://werewolfswebsite.webs.com/apps/blog/show/23757376-knights-knaves-and-nobility
Arcover. “Shape, Size, and All That Jazz.” Werewolfswebsite, 13 Apr. 2012, werewolfswebsite.webs.com/apps/blog/show/14086210-shape-size-and-all-that-jazz.
Kadota. “A Lesson in Werewolves.” Kadota, 15 Mar. 2018, www.tumblr.com/kadotablog/171919402787/there-seems-to-be-a-lot-of-misunderstandings.
Swancer, Brent, and Paul Seaburn. “Beyond Werewolves: Strange Were-Beasts of the World.” Mysterious Universe, 24 Nov. 2016, web.archive.org/web/20180615121716/mysteriousuniverse.org/2016/11/beyond-werewolves-strange-were-beasts-of-the-world/.
TheNazarene. “If People on Here Are...” Experience Project, 20 Mar. 1970, web.archive.org/web/20150607163205/http://www.experienceproject.com/stories/Am-A-Real-Werewolf/5626362. Q: What's the difference between physical shapeshifting and clinical lycanthropy?
A: Physical shapeshifting is generally a non-distressing and benign experience, and does not come with symptoms indicative of a secondary clinical condition. Many shifters are not bothered by their experiences, and welcome them as a part of their lives. Even if shifters are traumatized or freaked out by the experience of shifting, outside of this they are typically able to function without issue. Some physical shifters will use rituals, charms, spirituality or other methods to encourage or aid in shifting, meaning shifting is encouraged and wanted by some shifters. Physical shifting is also objectively physical - other people may affirm that a shifter has shifted, almost completely eliminating the possibility of shifting being a mental health condition.
Clinical lycanthropy is a syndrome in which a person thinks they will transform, have already transformed into or are currently an animal. It is typically a distressing and dysfunctional experience, and most clinical lycanthropes don't enjoy the experience the way physical shifters do. The animal a clinical lycanthrope becomes is a representation of internal fears, negative feelings or what they see as evil; it is not often a neutral or positive animal. Many also don't have specific rituals or communities which allow them to transform the way they do - their behavior, views and shifting style may be considered abnormal even to other shifters and paranormal groups.
Clinical lycanthropes often come to the attention of mental health professionals due to erratic or abnormal behavior, and other symptoms of a health condition. Unlike clinical lycanthropes, most shifters don't come to the attention of mental health professionals for their shifting, and don't appear to be markedly abnormal. Treating a shifter for believing in physical shifting is unlikely to work- at best you'll have a shifter that's impaired in daily life due to inappropriate treatment (which is malpractice), at worse you'll have a shifter that is actively fighting any treatment and resuming shifting every time they're stopped. Mental health professionals only want to treat things that are a problem and work with the patient, and forcing a shifter into treatment for simply being weird goes against both of these principles.
It is possible for there to be overlap, however. Some clinical lycanthropes may initially feel they're physical shifters, and some physical shifters may initially confuse their experiences for a mental health episode, but generally these two groups sort themselves out with time. Physical shifting doesn't come with the same distressing effects that clinical lycanthropy does.
Bou Khalil R, Dahdah P, Richa S, Kahn DA (2012) Lycanthropy as a culture-bound syndrome: a case report and review of the literature. Journal of Psychiatric Practice 18(1): 51–54.
Eshtar. “Meds and Weres .” Shapeshiftersunited, 14 June 2017, shapeshiftersunited.boards.net/thread/93/meds-weres.
Jain, V Prakhar D et al. “Clinical Kynanthropy: A Case Report of Psychological Manifestation of a Dog Bite.” Indian journal of psychological medicine vol. 44,1 (2022): 97-98. doi:10.1177/02537176211047132
SpawnWolf. “Trauma, Depression, Clinical Lycanthropy or a Werewolf?” Shapeshiftersunited, 15 July 2017, shapeshiftersunited.boards.net/thread/101/trauma-depression-clinical-lycanthropy-werewolf.
Surawicz FG, Banta R. Lycanthropy Revisited*. Canadian Psychiatric Association Journal. 1975;20(7):537-542. doi:10.1177/070674377502000706
Unnxturxl. “In Your Opinion .” Flip Side Coin, 3 Apr. 2017, harloqui.tumblr.com/post/159160437152/in-your-opinion-what-is-the-difference-between.
“Who Here Can?” Kin-Walkers, 7 Oct. 2012, web.archive.org/web/20210630012615/https://kin-walkers.webs.com/apps/forums/topics/show/8162897-who-here-can-.
Q: Are shifters and otherkin the same?
A: Not really. While both do identify as nonhuman beings, shifters physically transform into their expressed species, while otherkin do not. Most otherkin are not their species on a physical level, and will deny that there is any physical aspect to their experiences.
Therians and otherkin often experience species dysphoria, identify as an animal, and experience kinshifts. Therianthropes and otherkin do not rely on spiritual beliefs, and many otherkin and therians do not experience any inherent supernaturality with their experiences.
In contrast, many shifters do not experience species dysphoria, do not necessarily identify as an animal and do not necessarily experience kinshifts. Shifters often physically identify as nonhuman, but in the same way one might identify with their race or bio sex. It is possible for shifters to experience kinshifts, but these shifts are not exclusive to shifters or otherkin, and are not indicative of physical shifting ability.
It is possible for someone to be otherkin and a physical shifter (for example, one could be a wolf shifter and birdkin, or a wolf therian and a wolf shifter) and many shifters do seem to identify with the otherkin community for this reason, but the experiences are different enough to where each community needs their own spaces.
SpawnWolf. “Therian/Otherkin vs Werecreatures .” Shapeshiftersunited, 26 Aug. 2017, shapeshiftersunited.boards.net/thread/107/therian-otherkin-werecreatures?page=1&scrollTo=537.
Szayel. “No, Therians Are Not the Same as Werewolves.” - Homepage, 4 Jan. 2014, werewolfswebsite.webs.com/apps/blog/show/40402417-no-therians-are-not-the-same-as-werewolves.
Q: Why do otherkin and shifters not get along?
A: For otherkin, it's a combination of species dysphoria, species envy, safety concerns and respectability politics. For shifters, it's due to trauma and safety concerns.
Many otherkin tend to view shifters with a sort of envy, desiring what they feel would be an idyllic life. Since many otherkin experience species dysphoria, their desire to leave their human lives (and seeing others with the ability to actually do this) can lead them to lash out at shifters and others who they feel are holding the secrets from them. Many otherkin believe that if shifting were real they'd be able to able to access the ability, so shifters not sharing this information with them (or in some cases, not turning them, despite the dangers of this) can aggravate them.
Some otherkin were hurt by the p-shifting therian packs that formed around 2013-2014, and many older kin also remember a person called Storm from AHWW who did con people out of money in exchange for p-shifting secrets. Dysphoria can often make otherkin susceptible to any promise to change their physical form, so to prevent themselves from being tricked or ending up in a negative headspace they often ask for proof, or react negatively to any claims of physical nonhumanity. Without evidence of shifting, the community also fears being lumped in with clinical lycanthropes (and being dismissed by their human peers, and having their dysphoria ignored) furthering their dislike of shifters. The community tends to be very hostile towards shifters as a result, fearing a repeat of history and mockery from others.
Shifters as a whole tend to be less spiteful towards otherkin and more confused by the hostility directed towards them, if anything. That being said, some do feel therians (and by extension non-physical otherkin) make a mockery of what they go through. For some shifters who've had traumatic first shifts or who have had difficulty accepting themselves, otherkin claiming similar experiences without actually being shifters may come across as mocking or dismissing what it means to be a shifter. Some shifters have been forced into compromising or dangerous positions by some kin (having personal details revealed, being encouraged to hurt others, being blackmailed for being a shifter), meaning that for some shifters otherkin may be viewed as a legitimate danger. Some shifters may also view otherkin as being in-denial about their (internal) human selves or mistaking other mental health conditions for otherkinity.
This hostility is more prominent among older otherkin and shifters; the younger generation tends to be less hostile towards each other and more focused on their own endeavors.
Admin Angel. “Building a Better Werewolf: Shifting .” Shifters and Supernaturals- Aminoapps, 7 Aug. 2018, http://aminoapps.com/p/o0odfnf. DeannaJo. “I’ll Just Leave This Here, as Well.: I Am a Real Werewolf.” Experience Project, 25 July 2013, web.archive.org/web/20131019212050/www.experienceproject.com/stories/Am-A-Real-Werewolf/3345043.
House of Chimeras. A Timeline of the Therianthrope Community, Version 1.1. Updated 19 November 2021. The Chimeras Library. www.houseofchimera.weebly.com. Accessed 3 June 2023.
Justalternatestuff. “The Meaning of P-Shifting - Affirmation.” Flip Side Coin, 13 Nov. 2022, harloqui.tumblr.com/post/700767891881148416/the-meaning-of-p-shifting-affirmation.
Sol. “Lack of Acceptance in the Community.” Solwolf, 15 Jan. 2014, solwolf.wordpress.com/2014/01/14/lack-of-acceptance-in-the-community/.
Sosahfel. “‘ "its Not Physically Possible’ Is There.” A Foxy Woxy Appears!, 12 Feb. 2017, a-foxy-woxy.tumblr.com/post/157149876562/sosahfel-who-is-page-wingedhumanoid.
Wereformation. “I Am Not Dealing with Biologyweeps Again. That Blog Is the Cause for My Endless Harassment. .” Wereformation, 16 Jan. 2016, web.archive.org/web/20160221003506/wereformation.tumblr.com:80/post/137418344961/i-am-not-dealing-with-biologyweeps-again-that.
Wereformation. “This Goes out to Every Blog.” Crow’s Nest, 20 Feb. 2016, celestial-crow-blog.tumblr.com/post/139674735662/this-goes-out-to-every-blog-posted-on-these.
Wings-United. “I’m Going to Be Honest with You.” Flip Side Coin, 9 Mar. 2017, harloqui.tumblr.com/post/158195752242/im-going-to-be-honest-with-you-i-dont-know.
Wohkah. “All about Therianthropy & Otherkin (Discovery and Otherthings ) .” The Witches’s Circle- Aminoapps, 9 May 17AD, aminoapps.com/c/thewitchescircle/page/blog/all-about-therianthropy-otherkin-discovery-and-otherthings/qm7N_rbHRunRdodZVkBmY7JraVBLl8WGQj.
Q: Isn't physical shifting an inherently unhealthy or toxic idea?
A: Not at all. It can be, if an unhealthy or toxic person grabs hold of the idea, but by itself? No. The only thing all physical shifters have in common is that they physically shift - this includes the Western shifter community, but also includes shifters from other communities and cultures, some which value shapeshifting highly as being part of a great healer. Believing in physical shifting or being a physical shifter is not what leads to toxic or abusive behaviors.
The highly decentralized nature of the online community, the younger membership, dysphoria, and a search for answers, is what appears to lead to cults and toxic communities within the shifter community. The shifter community doesn't vet its members and does not have a monopoly on what a shifter is, meaning that anybody anywhere could claim to be a shifter and avoid being challenged. If a group of prospective shifters just happen to have species dysphoria, this can often lead to a toxic "shifter grind" mindset, where everyone is trying their hardest to shift so they can abandon humanity. Younger members tend to fall victim to this; as younger members have more time for the internet (and more stress) than older members do they might find a group that encourages unhealthy escapism instead of useful coping tips.>
Additionally, even though shifting isn't a scientifically studied phenomenon many shifters are seeking information about shifting that makes sense and doesn't completely rely on the paranormal. If a group comes providing information that appears accurate, newer shifters may flock to them and rally around them to learn more. If the leader in question has bad intentions, it can become really easy for the person in charge to take advantage of the community around them. Even if a leader has good intentions, leaders are fallible, and members who have previously put a leader on a pedestal might be let down if the leader does something the members don't agree with.
Unfortunately unhealthy groups and cults of personality form easily in weird online communities; even the otherkin community is not immune to cults and toxic communities, such as FFVII House, Kin Sanctuary, or Therian Guide. I believe we could stop this behavior in the shifter community by encouraging skepticism of all-knowing leaders and packs, allowing people to question and do their own research on the topic, decreasing the importance of "elders" (they have a lot of good info, but they don't get a pass for toxic behavior), giving resources to those with species dysphoria and other life stressors, and welcoming new ideas into the community.
Q: If shifters are harmless, why do I see X harmful thing in the community?
A: Because unfortunately in any community there are going to be people with terrible ideas, awful standards and toxic behavior. It's not inherent to being a shifter, it's a trait of being in a community. The community does try to self-moderate and troublemakers are often shunned, but on social media and other non-forum places unless someone is actively causing harm by that platform's standards, those who are encouraging terrible behaviors are allowed to run amok. Unfortunately there's not much we can personally do about that except warn others who interact with those individuals.
Remember, the loudest and most obnoxious individuals tend to attract attention from outsiders, and it is often the loudest, most obnoxious individuals that behave badly and spread their reach.
PolyWere. “Dear Adam/SupernaturalScientist.” Experience Project, 14AD, web.archive.org/web/20150612170429/http://www.experienceproject.com/stories/Am-A-Real-Werewolf/5601478.
Tim95. “No One Is...” Experience Project, 23AD, web.archive.org/web/20150607083009/http://www.experienceproject.com/stories/Am-A-Real-Werewolf/5635762.
Q: I understand all of this, but for some reason I still can't believe in physical shifters.
A: That's fine! All most shifters want are to be able to talk to others like them unhindered, and to not be harassed or invalidated for their beliefs.

For Shifters:
Q: Do adult shifters exist?
A: Yes! Yours truly is an adult, and there are several adults that hang around the community.
Q: Do all shifters believe in or use Blaze's (or Blaze-inspired) methods?
A: No, not really. Some shifters do, but others use their own methods or don't have methods at all. Many shifters may not have even heard of Blaze; his beliefs only really took off in the therianthropic portion of the shifter community.
Q: Do I need an animal spirit/soul to shift?
A: No, you don't. Some shifters do say that having a spirit guide or spiritual entity does help, but others can do without it.
Q: Do I have to eat/live/act as my species to help me shift?
A: No. You can (within reason-don't do anything that would be harmful to your human body) but it's not going to speed up shifting any faster.
Q: How do I avoid scams within the community? A: This is not a complete list, but this is what I've done and seen other people do, and it's served me well: • Be very skeptical of doomsday claims, or any urgings to go off with someone online for "safety". It is very easy for someone to control you using fear, and get you to do something ridiculous thinking you're protecting your family or friends. Our world has gone through pandemics, major extinction events, social and political strife before, why would now be the time for our world to end? • Never give money to other supernaturals without proof of their claims. I mean it for everything- shifting help, tarot readings, spirit beings, etc. It is incredibly easy for someone to make stuff up or tell you what you want to hear, and take advantage of a believing mind. If you really want these things, learn the craft or make a purchase for physical objects plus the supernatural thing in question (ex: paying for an art piece plus a reading), but never pay for the supernatural thing alone, unless you can verify the supernatural nature of said thing. • Be wary of "information dispensers". You know those people who seem to have an answer for almost everything, and don't like to be questioned or be wrong? And if they are questioned, they fight back a disproportionate amount? These are information dispensers- every community has them, and some are worse than others. While they can be invaluable sources of information on the community's history and beliefs, try not to follow them unwaveringly. You're allowed to have your own beliefs and theories! • Don't join or create a pack if you're brand-new to the community. Many new shifters don't yet know what they want out of a pack (social group, friendship, or a lifelong family?) and some new shifters may even realize they not shifters after all. If you discover your values differ from the pack you've joined, it could be hard to part from them. Instead, start a blog or join a forum/social group - any non-pack related group will be better and easier to pull away from in the event you change your views. Q: I see a toxic group or individual in the shifter community. What can I do? A: This depends on the circumstances. If the toxicity has to do with misinformation (ex. people encouraging dangerous methods of becoming a shifter, trying to meet others to turn them), you can try to correct the person at fault. Try to be nice when doing this - people are unlikely to change their ways if they're greeted with hostility. Most people will change once they realize what they're saying is harmful, but if they don't then you can always report it to the mod of the group, or the platform you're on. Harmful information for shifters is often harmful information for humans as well, so many platforms should be willing to do something about it. If the toxicity is stemming from behaviors (ex. members peer pressuring others to shift or demanding money or NSFW pictures from them, controlling others or mocking them) you could try and check in with any victims, and offer help. This can be tricky, since if it's a group situation some victims might feel beholden to the group, and will be reluctant to seek an escape. In that case you can provide them some resources in case they ever need it and an ear in case something goes wrong. You can also try calling out the perpetrators publicly, but if they are in a position of power or have a good standing within the community, it might be an uphill battle to convince others. In these cases having evidence (as well as support from other victims) can support your case and help preserve your reputation. If it's a group and the leader or members don't appear open to hearing critiques or changing, the only thing you can do is leave or suggest leaving to those in it. Don't try to change a whole group or a stubborn leader- you're likely to end up in a dangerous situation if they try to mob you or have any personal information about you. Warn others about toxic groups! Keeping things quiet is how toxicity and unhealthy behaviors in the community fester. And remember, anybody can call out a toxic shifter or toxic group. If you see something, say something. Q: What do shifters look like after shifting? A: It varies! Many shifters say they resemble their human selves in some manner after shifting (such as having the same color hair or frame), although whether they're bipedal or not seems to vary. Most assume full animal forms, however.